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About Mobility

February 2022

Where are Guide Dogs allowed to go?

2022-06-15T14:31:55-04:00February 11, 2022||

In Israel, everywhere! Guide Dogs are allowed to travel for free on buses, trains, taxis and in the passenger section of aircraft. Guide Dogs are also allowed to enter any public place including restaurants, theaters, sports facilities and hotels. Refusing entry to a person accompanied by a Guide Dog is against the law and can incur a large fine.

How can I help a blind person in the street?

2022-08-02T14:46:37-04:00February 11, 2022||

If you think that a Guide Dog user needs assistance, calmly ask if he or she would like help. If they accept your offer to cross the street or find a destination, offer them your left elbow or shoulder to hold. Walk slightly in front and alongside the person at a normal pace and warn them of obstacles or changes in elevation - a step up or down. Never touch the dog or take hold of its collar or [...]

Can I pet or feed a guide dog?

2022-06-15T14:31:55-04:00February 11, 2022||

The greatest difficulty Guide Dog users encounter is public interference—which can endanger their lives. When a guide dog is in harness it is working and should not be distracted from its job. So please do not pet the dog, call or whistle to it, or feed the dog. If the dog is resting, always ask the dog’s partner for permission to pet the dog.

What is the difference between having a cane and having a trained Guide Dog?

2022-08-02T14:47:18-04:00February 11, 2022||

A person using a white cane must find obstacles, while a guide dog simply avoids them—allowing much faster mobility. Those who choose to work with a Guide Dog often discover a new sense of freedom, an increased level of confidence, and a feeling of safety, along with the warm companionship of their new canine friend. People generally avoid a blind person with the cane; whereas, someone with a Guide Dog will often be approached by others, which encourages social [...]

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