Support | Raise a Puppy
For our friends who live in Israel:
We breed, raise and train the dogs in Beit Oved – just south of Tel Aviv – so they learn Hebrew commands and get accustomed to Israel’s unique environment. If you live in Israel and want to become a puppy raiser, please contact us at or call 08-940-8213.
For our International friends:
Our organizations in America, Canada and the UK do “friend-raising” to support our program. Many students adopt us as their Mitzvah Project, and some Hebrew schools send us money they raise from tzedakah collections. It takes $1,000 to cover food and medical expenses for a puppy in the first year of life.
Our puppy raisers live in various areas throughout Israel and are responsible for teaching the puppies to respond to Hebrew commands and to learn a new lesson every month, for example, the puppies always walk on the left- on a short leash, they never jump on the furniture and they only take food from their handler. Another important lesson is being able to train the puppy to relieve itself on command! The puppy raiser will be responsible for caring for and loving the puppy for approximately 10-12 months, before returning the puppy to the Center for evaluation.
If you live outside Israel and can’t raise a puppy yourself, you can still take part by supporting us in other ways. We will gladly send you a package of information, along with a video that explains what we do to help people in Israel who are visually impaired.