A Story of True Friendship
Maryiem is a bright and energetic 19-year-old who trained for the 2022 Jujitsu European Championship as the only blind competitor. She trains for two hours a day, six days a week, as well as acclimating to her first year at university. She is able to accomplish all of this thanks to her guide dog Riga!
Mariyem was born with retinal detachment in one eye and lost vision in her other eye at the age of 10. She gradually realized that she needed to live her life to the fullest and take responsibility not just for herself, but for another being too. And taking care of Riga has helped her mature and grow as an independent woman.
“Riga is my big love. I’m never alone and I’m so happy. Riga is calm, and she calms me as well. She is perfect!”